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Sickle Cell Care Manchester

Sickle Cell Disease (also known as Sickle Cell Disorder or Sickle Cell Anaemia) is an inherited condition that affects the red blood cells and can lead to episodes of severe pain or can damage organs and tissues, and may lead to other serious medical problems.

Sickle Cell Disease mostly affects people of African and Caribbean origin, but the condition can affect individuals of any ethnicity.

You can find out more about Sickle Cell Disease, Sickle Cell Trait and discover other useful info on our Resources & Information page:

Your cares are our cares

To promote and support the physical, social, and emotional well-being of individuals living with the tribulations of Sickle Cell Disease.


To promote and support the physical, social, and emotional well-being of individuals living with the tribulations of Sickle Cell Disease.
To offer support, education, and practical advice to those striving to live successfully with Sickle Cell Disease.


To offer support, education, and practical advice to those striving to live successfully with Sickle Cell Disease.
To provide resources to inform the public in all areas relating to Sickle Cell Disease.


To provide resources to inform the public in all areas relating to Sickle Cell Disease.


Advocacy and Advice

We provide advocacy services to ensure that individuals living with sickle cell disease have their rights and needs represented. Our team also offers helpful advice to address any concerns or questions you may have.

Online Resources

Access a wealth of online resources within this website and via our social media platforms to gain valuable information about sickle cell disease and its impact on people’s lives. If you are living with the condition, use this website to gain information on how to manage SCD better.

Support Groups

Support groups are volunteer led for clients and carers  and  provide a vital opportunity for people to socialise and share experiences with people who understand the impact of SCD.

Advocacy and Awareness

We work tirelessly to raise awareness about sickle cell disease within the community, ensuring that it receives the attention and support it deserves.

Research and Campaigning

Through our research initiatives, we strive to improve the understanding of sickle cell disease and contribute to finding better treatments. We also actively campaign for better healthcare services and policies.

Encouraging Blood Donation

We promote and encourage blood donation to ensure a steady supply of blood for transfusions, a vital lifeline for individuals living with sickle cell disease.

NEWS The latest in the world of Sickle Cell

Ricky Casey Trust

The Ricky Casey Trust is a charity that aims to further the understanding and expand the knowledge of Renal Medullary Carcinoma (RMC) and other rare kidney and renal cancers. Ricky Casey was a black 48 year-old, fit and healthy firefighter who was diagnosed with RMC in 2018. RNC is more common in male patients, 70% male compared to 30% female and has a much younger age of onset than other types of kidney cancer. The average age of adults affected by RNC in the largest reported series was 24. For unknown reasons RNC also more commonly affects the right kidney compared to the left.

The discovery that almost everyone with renal medullary carcinoma carries at least one copy of the HbS mutation raises the possibility that sickle cell trait somehow contributes to RMC. 

Watch the Fixer’s story about Sanah Shaikh, the first person of Asian descent to be diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease in the North West. The video features Marilyn Burton, Specialist Haemaglobinopathy Nurse Practitioner and Centre Manager of the Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Centre Manchester and rugby league player Ade Adebisi.

The video is made in partnership with Fixers, young people using their past to fix their future.

SCCM Bobbie-Jo £250 posts

Former boxer and personal trainer, Bobbi-Joe Edwards contacted us early in 2022 to say he wanted to hold a boxing event to fundraise for SCCM. Little did we know that the event would be as professional and well organised as it was and that Bobbi-Joe would go on to become such an important partner of Sickle Cell Care Manchester.

Thanks so much Bobbi-Joe for choosing us as a charity benefiting from your hard work. This year’s event on the 17th June raised £254 and we are so grateful to everyone who donated. Blessings to all of you!

SCCM Engagement Report Image

Our SCCM Engagement Report commissioned by Manchester Health and Care Commissioning in 2019 highlighted how Sickle Cell Disease affects people and the improvements patients want to see in how the health service treats and cares for them.

Since then, the No One’s Listening Report has confirmed that things have not changed and that understanding of the disease is still too low. How many more reports will it take before we see an improvement?

Access the report on our Resources page

Our Partners, Funders and Supporters Thank you for supporting us and making our work possible

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Help us to help those who are in need of our support. If we work together to fight Sickle Cell Disorder, together we can win!
City View House 5 Union Street Manchester M12 4JD


City View House 5 Union Street Manchester M12 4JD 0161 277 7648

CONTACT 0161 277 7648