There are a lot of myths around sickle cell disease, and stigma because of the myths.

Here we bust a few of those and shed light on the truth.


Only the Black Minority Ethnic population gets Sickle Cell Disease.


Sickle Cell is a disease that affects people of all different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, including African, Arabian, Israeli, Greek, Italian, Hispanic, Turkish, and Pakistani.

Contrary to popular believe, it is entirely possible for a blond-haired, blue-eyed child of Northern European extraction to have Sickle Cell disease. For this reason, in all UK hospitals, all ethnic backgrounds now are screened at birth for the type of haemoglobin responsible for causing Sickle Cell disease.

Sickle Cell is not contagious. It’s strictly an inherited disease, and only people who are born with this genetic defect can develop it.

We understand the challenges that individuals living with sickle cell disease face and work tirelessly to provide compassionate and effective support.
